"This System Is Killing Us" - Buchvorstellung & Gespräch mit dem Autor Xander Dunlap


Mi, 28. Februar 2024 - Einlass 18:30 Uhr, Beginn 19:00 Uhr


Allerweltshaus Köln e.V. (Geisselstraße 3-5, 50823 Köln)


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Xander Dunlap: This System Is Killing Us - Land Grabbing, the Green Economy, & Ecological Conlict

Buchvorstellung und anschließende Gesprächsrunde mit dem Autor Xander Dunlap

„The System is Killing Us“ ist ein unmittelbarer Blick auf die katastrophalen Effekte, die fossile Energieerzeugung und Ressourcenabbau auf Menschen, ihr Land und unseren Planeten haben. Xander Dunlop lebte und arbeitete ein Jahrzehnt lang mit einheimischen Aktivisti an mehreren Orten auf der Welt, unter anderem im Hambacher Forst.

In seinem Buch deckt er auf, welche Repressionen Menschen durch ungezügeltes, rein auf Profitmaximierung ausgelegtes Wirtschaftswachstum erfahren und beleuchtet die Zusammenhänge zwischen Kolonialismus, Extraktivismus, Grünem Kapitalismus und Ökozid.

This System is Killing Us - Land Grabbing, the Green Economy and Ecological Conflict

(zu Deutsch: "Dieses System bringt uns um - Landraub, die grüne Wirtschaft und ökologische Konflikte".)

Informationen zum Buch vom PLUTO PRESS Verlag:

This System is Killing Us - Land Grabbing, the Green Economy and Ecological Conflict by Xander Dunlap

Xander Dunlap is a postdoctoral research fellow at Boston University, USA, and a visiting research fellow in the Global Development Studies Department, University of Helsinki, Finland. Their work has critically examined police-military transformations, market-based conservation, wind energy development and extractive projects more generally in Latin America, Europe and the United States. They have written numerous books,most recently Enforcing Ecocide: Power, Policing and Planetary Militarization. They are a long-time participant in anti-police, squatting and environmental movements.

This System is Killing Us is an insider look at the catastrophic effects that energy infrastructure and mining are having on communities, their land and our planet. Xander Dunlap spent a decade living and working with Indigenous activists and land defenders across the world to uncover evidence of the repression people have faced in the wake of untamed capitalist growth.

From Zapotec and Ikoot people struggling against wind energy projects in Oaxaca, Mexico to the violence of the Hambach mine in the German Rhineland, Dunlap presents the truth that lies behind the green re-branding of capitalism that social movements in the Global North have been slow to challenge.

By centring the struggles of people whose lives are being systematically destroyed, Dunlap reveals blind spots within the current official debates around climate change. The book also speaks to the feuds between socialist modernism and degrowth. While changing public policy could play a constructive role in remediating climate catastrophe, by understanding the successes and failures of those 'on the front lines', it becomes clear that decentralised—and ideally viral—self-organisation could be the only way out of this socioecological nightmare.

*All royalties from the book are being donated to the Stop Cop City Movement and Atlanta Solidarity Fund*

Published by Pluto Press in Mar 2024
Paperback ISBN: 9780745348827
eBook ISBN: 9780745348841

Paperback, £16.99 (with free eBook)
eBook, £14.99

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